Year End Thanksgiving to God 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for all the trust and respect that I gain this year. Having more connections with great people is such a wonderful blessing. They become the channel of my blessing. Thank you God for letting them be part of this year journey. Though I was been in many struggle, God provide me the wisdom to manage and handle it. And now the year is about to end I love to give few details and significant things that I want to give thanks.

The first quarter of this year was a decision making. Going back to Singapore with unexpected timing wasn’t really a plan because I want to continue my study in school. that is the shift and twist of an event.

This is the peak of my financial blessing compare to the past five years. Even if I haven’t much savings I had a change to buy foods that I wanted to eat.

I am physically fit to do extensive exercise so I still have the opportunity to reduce my weight if I need to. I’m sorry for my self for stretching my work capacity and ability to meet deadline be glad that you deserved a good rest soon. Thank you Good for giving me strength to accomplished my task and job well done.

It is good to see that my family being together although each of us has some shortcoming, we can still manage to understand each other and forgive Thank you God for being part of this family. There is so much to be thankful if  only I can make them to be member in the Church Of Christ, let me do my part to share my faith and help me bring them with me together and worship You.

I hope I can mention all the names of the people that I meet this year. I want to give thanks for all the time we’ve been shared together. Dear God, thank you so much for making that day happy.

Thank you for the weather, from the best time to celebrate and the worst thing to remember. We experienced so many calamities and economic struggle. Thank you for making us stand and continue to do move on. Having you on our side is so much appreciated, thank you for protecting us.

Thank you for helping me to suppress my emotion, the certain feelings that I don’t need to get out. I know that it is best to keep unspoken or not to act. Thank you for I can still feel your spirit for sometime being disobedient. Thank you for helping me turn back on your side.

Will all my heart I thank You God for making me prepared to the new challenge after this year end.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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