Tips on effective accounts payable system

1. Schedule your payments.

Make the most of your cash flows by setting goals for your cash collection and cash payment. Having a schedule will make you remember important dates. Paying on time or ahead of time will avoid extra charges especially to the merchandise that create interest.

2. Organize your documents.

File all your invoices according to your payment schedule so you can remember the details of your payment when the account becomes due. Your document must be place where you can see often to remind you of the things to do. The organize documents will help you identify the priorities and easily track your transactions.

3. Prioritize your suppliers.

Identify who among your suppliers should be paid first. There are some suppliers you can afford to pay later. In this way, you can manage timing of your payments properly. Prioritizing means that you must not fail to deliver on time. Payment or collection must be done on time according the schedules

4. Be a reliable payer.

When it comes to paying, make every effort to be consistent with your supplier. The supplier will give more trust if you never fail to comply with the agreed terms, payments or contract.

5. Watch danger sign.

Analyze your cash flow patterns to see if you are having difficulty paying your accounts payable. If you take action to fix it early enough, you can avoid serious cash flow problem later on. Observed your transaction whether you are losing or making money. Check the difficulty of your obligation when it comes to paying. Study why you are making hard times on paying, check your budget and monitor your expenses, cut it down if needed.

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