Review and Moderate Post that Appears on your Timeline, Groups and Pages.

When Your Friend Tagged You in unwanted post!

Take control over your Facebook timeline because anybody can insert something that you don't want. Don't let anyone post on your timeline. To do this you have to update Facebook account settings.

Update: Who can add things to my timeline? Only Me

Only Me - means that no other users can post on your timeline but you. This will prevent others from taking advantage of your friends and followers by using your account to promote their post. You are letting other users to reach your friends and followers by allowing them to post on your timeline. It's good if the post is beneficial to both of you but what if the post is against you? So be careful and I recommend to set this settings to Only Me.

Update: Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline? On

Another way to let someone post appear on your timeline is by tagging you. Update your setting to On! this will allow you to review it first and decide if you want this to appear on your timeline.

Why these two settings are very important to me?

It will help you to protect your identity and your business too. Your Facebook timeline is also a mirror of your charater and reputation, so don't let your detractors damage your character. You need to manage your timeline and review things before you allow it to appear on your timeline.

Same things goes with your group settings.

Follow this link to update your group settings.
Update: Post Approval: check - All group posts must be approved by an admin.
I recommend this for the goal oriented admins where you are taking or leading your members to the next level or to reach your goals. You are not taking away their freedom of expression but you are showing them how to discipline and avoid negative post. By doing this you are allowing only positive things and you can still have a time to talk to people why their post was not approve. Moderation very is important to protect your group interest and goals.

Posting Ability of other people posting on your page

Like what we said above! posting ability must be always review and moderate. If you have a Facebook page then update the Posting Ability of other people posting on your page. I recommend "Review posts by other people before they are shown on my Page"

How do I react to people who keep on tagging me their post!

My reaction to this is simply update my Facebook account settings. What really annoying is when they keep you tagging and still taking your time to review if you want to allow it on your timeline. Most of the content is like promoting something that is not related to you. Its nice to talk to them personally not to tagged you and hope that they obey.

You can block the person or unfriend if its not really helpful. But here is the bright side of it. Aside from never allowing it from your timeline and removing your tagged. You can add positive comment and counter promotion or somethings else. Like sample comment "Hi name_of_tagger", thank you for tagging me and here is my thought about it. Just add anything that you want to promote too. This is what you called ridding on someone else effort. You can support or counter information and now your are being efficient on tagging other users because it is already done.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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