Mid Year Thanksgiving To God 2012

Life’s indeed full of adventures, success and failure. Thanks for the message we received from our Over All Executive Minister. The inspirational message from the words of God reminds us to put our trust in Him whatever it takes. Happy thanksgiving to all my brethren.

I am so blessed and I want to return as much as I could this thanksgiving.

I have so many beautiful and wonderful things and event that I want to give thanks and praise for our Creator. Thank You God for the friends that you put by my side who consider my handicap not literally but they there are when I need theme. They are my friends who challenge and encourage me to do extra ordinary things and share their blessing. I may not be able to re-pay their goodness but it is You Lord that I want thank the most. Please bless their life and livelihood so that they can continue to prosper and enjoy life.

I would like to thanks You for the event that guides me to understand more of the uncertain things. You know God that I’ve suffer from some emotional pain and it is You who I leaned on, because I believe that Your love is more than enough to heal any pain occurring into my life.

Thank You for I have a good family. My parents may not be in real good health conditions but they let me feel how much they love me. I hope to find so many ways to show them how much You are more willing to have them included in the Church Of Christ. For this is one of my burden that I will carry until they come to know the same and one true God that I worship and give thanks.

There are so much more to thanks, my health is in good conditions. My beliefs of having stable financial resources are going strong. Thank You for the guidance and Love that I can feel every now and then. Thank You for there are always challenges, I can use them all to improve my life and to show to everyone You’ve never forsaken me.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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