How do I work smart?

Your work must be efficient when you’re already an expert. But experts even bring delay to their accomplishment because of poor time management and lack of planning. It always smart to have a detailed plan on what you are doing. That will be the road map to get in to the destination you want.

Timing is very important and don’t start your task unprepared.

Look for the best time to do it. The problem is when you’re at work and you only have a certain time to do it. When you are working on fixed time schedule; gathering inspirations and motivation will help your work efficiently. Lack of preparation will prolong your accomplishment. Sometimes we think we are ready but truly we are not prepared. We have to check everything to make your best preparation.

You have to love your work before you start.

Adding affection to your work supplies more energy. You might not even notice that you are working 24hrs. It’s is very easy to determine when you are attracted so much with your work. It is when you don’t feel bored doing it.

Look for your team and partners.

The greater problem can be easy and efficiently solved by the many. Delegating the work task will save time and it’s an application of the law of leverage. Check each member’s capability to do the task. It is good to have them work to their strength.

Seek for an advised from successful person.

Every successful people have their own ingredients for working successfully. You can get the best advice from them because they already did and prove it.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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