Be on time

There are many benefits of being on time. It avoids the negative impact of the delay and easily manages schedule. Time will never stop and wait, it goes on come what may. It’s our job to keep up on time or we find our self left behind.

Scheduling can help your task on time. Having so many tasks can ruin your time management because we only have 24 hours per day to be exact. It is important to know each task because you can determine how long it will be. Now you can able to adjust your time schedule carefully. Being punctual is an attitude that will keep you on time. Don’t forget to check the surrounding and the weather, it can also cause of your delay.

To keep yourself on time

  • Know your task – it will give you the idea how long it is.
  • Schedule – it will avoid overlapping task and time conflict
  • Attitude – be punctual and don’t be lazy. Your attitude will keep you moving.
  • Surrounding and climate – bad weather and not appropriate surroundings can cause delay.
  • Don’t think late – when you think you are late, it will manifest and the feeling of being late only brings bad vibes.
  • Just think that you’re just in time and it will make you not to worry.

We are trained to be on time when we are set to school. We did not get in the school without preparations. That preparation is how we manage to be on time. Without preparations, we have the tendency to be late. Task and time management is one of the key to keep up on time.
Plan your 24 hours or daily routine. It is a very good habit. Plot your task in time table make a plan.
I miss my healthy time schedule when I was on elementary.

  • 6am – wake up and prepare for school
  • 7am – 3 pm : Study time
  • 3pm – 6pm : play at the beach, fetch wood, bring pale of water in full, watch sunset
  • 6pm – 7pm : must be at home, clean, do home work “not school assignment” just help at home.
  • 8pm – must be sleeping.

Now my schedules are more on appointments and doing my project done on time.

There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at… who steals what is most precious to men: time – Napoleon I

Someone else's time is a terrible thing to waste.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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