Sometimes Giving Up Is The Answers, But Don’t!

Dont you dare lose hope, never ever!

You’re in a relationship that you wanted to give up but you can’t. You deserved to be free and happy. Happiness is sometimes giving up your commitment. We had decisions in life that we thought was right and feel something wrong along the way. Don’t give up! It means you have to learn it in a hard way.

We’ve always wanted to be happy. Happiness is always at the edge when it earns from the others or specifically from someone we love. You must learn to be happy from within because that happiness cannot be taken away. Don’t give up on others! Happiness is great when it is shared.

We cling on something we believed.

We follow that principles in life not knowing that there is a better ways. It’s okay to give up on what you had learned to know the truth behind the lies. But don’t! Don’t forget from where you from because you can become an inspiration by your story.

It is always good to hold on and keep your patient trying to save what you think is possible. You’ve never notice that there are more opportunities far better than what you have now. When you are ready to give up, remember why you think it is possible from the start!

I am trying to convince myself to give up! I am trying to believe that when I give up it’s over and I am done. I don’t want to experience something bad or to compete with others for winning or losing. I don’t know if I am tired because I want to give up. But after I gave up, I found the answers. My life doesn’t end after giving up and that only leads me more to unhappiness, pain, suffering and frustration.

I’ve learned to hold on to the dreams that I wanted to give up! Because I found that dream as a reason to live and enjoy life in good and bad times. I’ve learned because I gave up and I won’t give up again. Keep on trying.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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