How to create website?

Many people are using internet to search and share information. We use search engine to find the information we need to know. It’s nice to be index on the search query and be discover on your website or blog. People think it is expensive to have a website or blog but not anymore. There are may services you can use to get your website online free.

It’s ok if you don’t have a personal domain while you can use free personal url offer from blogspot, wordpress, and tumblr. I suggest the link below when you decide to buy a domain name.

If you get your domain name for a service provider, make sure that you have a contract service that the domain name registrant is you and the email is belong to you also. This is your protection for a rude service provider.

You also have a web space where you put all your data. There are so many free web space available online where you can share information and bind with your domain name. You can use, and to start creating a blog or website. But using this free web space offer a limited amount of space and more restrictions. To have a bigger space you must have rent a hosting service to put all your data online.

Example of website or home page from free service provider listed below. or

Give to time to learn how to manage your website for business or personal use.
If you learn how to use your email or facebook, I'm sure that you can also learn how to manage your website or blog..

List of website that makes money online that you can also do.

Aside from personal use, you can start your own business online and start to earn respect and money. You can only invest for $15 or less than $100 per year to make over $100 per month.

I can personally guide you how create your website step by step. It would be nice to send me a message here.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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