Experience Relaxed Passion

There are three kind of passion! 1) The Hyper Passion, 2) I Love This As Long as Everything’s Works out well, and 3) The Relaxed Passion. I had experience all of these kind of passion but I never understand and get aware of it until I wanted to make a difference. We are used to do something that we love but never utilized what make grow more and productive.

Hyper passion is something like that you love to do as long as you are excited and motivated. You will get tired in the end when you feel like it’s not worthy or not being appreciated.

I love this as long as everything’s work out! This happen in most relationships and it ends if doesn’t work out as simple as that. You love each other until something went wrong for a reason that your relationships did not work out. I applies to my band mate too. I had a band that so aggressive to play and get together by music. I become a member of the band that never last long because I had some better plan to do so.

Relax passion! It’s the best way to live with. When you can enjoy the hardest part of it. You love what you are doing and you are happy for it. Relax passion must be in your natural ways of living like you love to be with the people you care. Having a work using the talent that you have, like being a chief if you love to cook or a singer if you love to sing. You can’t be relax if they asked you to sing but you are lack of singing talent.

Relax passion saves so much time and energy because you already know what you are doing. It is like driving on the same road over a year, some changes my happen but you can manage. It saves time and energy and it’s nice to be efficient at your relax passions.

dlysen: I have a dream too! It’s about making a difference within me and to help others to do the same. That’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share with it. And I found a whole bunch of people who share the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. Follow me on Google+
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